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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2018-04-16  浏览次数:1470
核心提示:美通社1月23日电,美国医疗评鉴机构卡思克鲁力(Castle Connolly Medical Ltd)重申同Medebound美联医邦的独家战略合作,终止与M
 美通社1月23日电,美国医疗评鉴机构卡思克鲁力(Castle Connolly Medical Ltd)重申同Medebound美联医邦的独家战略合作,终止与More Health的短暂合作关系。



Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. 卡思克鲁力是位于纽约的一家医疗健康领域研究和信息的机构,以其品牌America's Top Doctors®(美国顶级医生)而闻名,该公司宣布终止与More Health短暂的合作关系。

Castle Connolly卡思克鲁力将会继续与其在中国的独家合作伙伴Medebound LLC(中文名:美联医邦®)合作,为中国患者和医生提供服务。美联医邦公司总裁兼首席执行官Sheena Liu博士表示,能与Castle Connolly合作感到非常荣幸。 “我们和Castle Connolly卡思克鲁力在过去的几年中保持着非常友好和高效的合作,共同致力于服务中国市场,通过保险公司、雇主为患者提供美国顶级专家的第二诊疗意见服务,业务已经逐渐发展壮大”。


Castle Connolly卡思克鲁力总裁兼首席执行官John Connolly博士表示:“我们很高兴能继续深化与Medebound美联医邦的合作关系,并协助中国患者获得美国最顶尖医生的医疗意见。”


美联医邦®(www.medebound.com)成立于2015年,总部在纽约,是一家致力于连接中国患者和医生与美国医生的远程医疗及第二诊疗意见机构。公司开发的专利远程医疗平台既提供双语服务,又兼容美国HIPAA(健康保险交换与责任法案)隐私条例,确保了中国患者/医生和美国顶级医生之间进行影像、病历翻译,传输和远程咨询的安全性和高效性。通过与Castle Connolly Top Doctors®卡思克鲁力顶级医生的独家战略合作/股权投资关系,建立了权威可信,横跨72个专科的52,000多名美国医生的美国顶级医生资源。凭借高度差异化的医生资源,先进的双语IT平台以及在美国和中国的强有力运营团队,美联医邦在中国已经获得了可观的市场吸引力。

关于Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.

Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.(www.castleconnolly.com)卡思克鲁力是一家医疗服务调研 、并出版发行顶级医生名录的机构。成立近三十年以来,始终致力于帮助消费者在全美及各地区寻找优质可靠的医疗服务和顶级医生资源。 Castle Connolly Top Doctors®拥有横跨72个专科、超过52,000名美国医生的在线数据库,这些顶级医生名录是由同行提名,并经过了由医生领导的研究团队严格筛选产生的。这个顶级医生名录可以帮助患者通过医生名字、地点、专科、医院和疾病/病情进行搜索,寻找到最好的并适合患者病情的当地或者全国最顶级的医生。 Castle Connolly是美国50多个地区杂志,同时也是很多主要的国家级杂志和报纸以及各种网络媒体平台的的顶级医生信息来源。 2017年,该网站的访问量超过1.1亿。



Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., a New York based healthcare research and information company noted for its brand America’s Top Doctors®, and More Health, Inc. a California based medical second opinion company with operations in China, have ended a brief relationship. Castle Connolly will continue to work with its exclusive partner in China, Medebound LLC, in serving Chinese patients, doctors and hospitals. Sheena Liu, M.D., Ph.D., the President and CEO of Medebound, stated that she was pleased with her company’s relationship with Castle Connolly. “We have enjoyed a very positive and productive relationship with Castle Connolly through past years. Our second medical opinion business serving insurers, employers and patients has grown substantially and together we are committed to the Chinese market.” Medebound has executed important contracts with 3 of the largest insurance companies in China with size similar to Metlife or UnitedHealth in the US, at the headquarter level reaching hundreds of thousand Chinese clients whose insurance health benefits 100% cover/reimburse Medebound’s remote second opinions and other ancillary services. “We are delighted to continue to expand our relationship with Medebound and to help assist Chinese healthcare consumers seeking the expertise of the most America’s Top Doctors”,“ said Dr. John Connolly, Castle Connolly’s President and CEO

about Medebound LLC

Founded in 2015, Medebound (www.medebound.com) is a tele-health/second opinion company headquartered in New York with the focus on connecting Chinese patients/physicians with US doctors. This is achieved by creating a proprietary bi-lingual HIPAA-compliant tele-health platform, which facilitates secure medical imaging/records translation, transferring and tele-consultations between Chinese patients/local physicians and leading American specialists; and by establishing an exclusive strategic/equity relationship with Castle Connolly Top Doctors®, an established, trusted and authoritative resource for identifying America’s leading physicians, with more than 52,000 U.S. physicians across 72 medical specialties. With this highly-differentiated physician resource and first-of-its-kind bilingual IT platform and a strong execution team operating both in the US and China, Medebound has gained significant market traction.

about Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.

Castle Connolly Medical Ltd. (www.castleconnolly.com) is a healthcare research, information, and publishing company whose mission since its inception nearly three decades ago is to help consumers find independent, trusted information about quality healthcare and Top Doctors on both the regional and national levels. Castle Connolly Top Doctors®, an online database of more than 52,000 U.S. physicians across 72 medical specialties who have been nominated by their peers and rigorously screened by its physician-led research team, is used widely by focused healthcare consumers who seek the best healthcare. This database is searchable by physician name, location, specialty, hospital, and disease/condition. Castle Connolly is the source of Top Doctors’ information for more than 50 regional magazines across the U.S., many major national magazines and newspapers, and diverse online media distribution platforms. In 2017, visitors to the website generated 110 Million+ views of Castle Connolly Top Doctors detailed profiles.


1. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/castle-connolly-medical-ltd-and-more-health-inc-mutually-terminate-their-relationship-300586299.html

2. http://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/Castle-Connolly-Medical-Ltd-and-More-Health-Inc- utually-Terminate-Their-Relationship-1001689333

3. http://www.castleconnolly.com/

4. http://www.medebound.com/

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